Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No firefighting today, thanks.

I was talking to another momma on the playground today. I had to laugh when she got quiet and whispered to me, "You know, I really don't like 'playing' all that much with my children. I love baking with them, reading to them and doing other things, but how many times can you pretend to be a fairy and fly around the house?" I totally agreed. B's favorite thing to do is play firefighters. His chosen partner gets to don the red hat, grab the black tubing we use to water the Christmas tree and race around the house putting out fires. I don't mind doing it once or twice, but 10 times? Yawn! Why are we as moms unable to admit that we are bored to tears by our children's play sometimes? Why do we feel guilty for not wanting to do something that is developmentally appropriate for 4 year olds? There seems to be such a fine line between entertaining our children and encouraging them to be independent. I keep flipping over the line, back and forth, trying to find a happy medium. As I write this post, Little A is sleeping and B is happily putting Mr.Potato's nose on the head and ears in the arm holes. He's completely content and doesn't need/want me for anything. I say, enjoy these moments of quietness and not being needed.

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