Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas with a toddler is like nothing I've ever experienced.

I forgot what Christmas was really about. It is utter joy and amazement at a light-up snowman in a random window. It is anxiously peering around the corner to make sure the neighbours have remembered to turn on their Christmas tree. It is picking up tree needles from the carpet and carefully placing them back on a branch. It is staring in wonder at the Holiday Fireplace channel on T.V. for 10 minutes straight. It is stretching out 9 strings of Christmas lights in the basement and exclaiming "Wooooo!" each time a string is plugged in, no matter how many times you've done it. It is seeing a mall Santa and yelling "ho ho ho!" for the first time ever. It is wearing fuzzy red pyjamas and running full-bore into your mommy's arms. It is gazing at your first nativity scene and proclaiming "baby Jesus is sleeping!"